College of Public Health

The state of childhood injuries— Q & A with Safe Kids Worldwide

For the last 15 years, the UI IPRC has been fortunate to co-sponsor the annual Iowa Preventing Childhood Injury Conference.  Along with our partners — Blank Children’s Hospital, UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital, EMC Insurance Companies, the Iowa Department of Public Health, and SafeKids Iowa – we have brought childhood injury advocates across the state to learn about developing trends in childhood injuries and interventions in prevention.

This year’s conference on September 18th at Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines will attract over 100 people representing state and local health departments, emergency medical service, fire and police departments, schools, hospitals, and community-based injury prevention programs.  Attendees, including many from rural county health departments, will learn the latest in playground safety, rural disaster preparedness, teen suicide, active shooter threats, and more.

Over the years, the conference planning team has brought leading experts in the field to share their perspectives. This year’s keynote speaker will be Torine Creppy, President of Safe Kids Worldwide, which has an extensive network of more than 400 coalitions across the U.S. and partners in more than 30 countries—all with a mission to keep kids safe from injuries.  Here, Ms. Creppy answers our pressing questions about the state of childhood injuries.

Group of kids on the playground

What is a preventable injury?

Torine Creppy, President of Safe Kids Worldwide

When we talk about preventable injuries, we’re not talking about skinned knees, bruised shins, or scraped elbows. Those are the telltale signs of a curious child, exploring the world, seeking adventure. We work to protect kids from more serious injuries and deaths that don’t have to happen. Tragedies from car crashes, falls, burns, drownings, fires and more that often occur in predictable ways and can be prevented with the right education, awareness and planning.

Why is it important to bring more awareness to childhood injuries?

Many people are surprised to learn that preventable injuries are the number one cause of death for children in the United States and a major epidemic around the world. One million children die every year from preventable injuries and millions more are injured in ways that can affect them for a lifetime. These are lives we can save.

What are some ways we can prevent childhood injuries?

Using and installing car seats correctly, wearing bike helmets, installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, and actively supervising children around water are just a few of the many things parents and caregivers can do to keep kids safe. For more tips, please visit   

What is Safe Kids doing to prevent childhood injuries?

Safe Kids Worldwide works to ensure that all children, no matter where they live, can grow up safe from preventable injuries. Safe Kids works with more than 400 coalitions in the United States and with partners in more than 30 countries around the world to implement grassroots programs, educate families, create safer environments, and advocate for improved laws to protect children.

 Why is research, including research-based interventions, important to childhood injury prevention?

Research ensures the scientific integrity of childhood injury prevention efforts. At Safe Kids, we explore how and why injuries happen, and identify proven practices for prevention. The information we create (primary research) or gather (secondary research) informs all other areas of our work, including programs, advocacy, and communications. 

Register here for the 2018 Preventing Childhood Injury Conference in Des Moines, Iowa.