College of Public Health

Our Partners

(Iowa) State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (STRCC) meeting

The UI IPRC is fortunate to work with many partners at all levels—organizational, local, regional, state, national and international.

Our researchers couldn’t have the impact they’ve had without our partners who help us translate scientific evidence into practice. We’re proud of our strong reputation for collaborating with injury and violence prevention advocates across the country, from a local Safety Village, to state agencies, to national organizations such as the Safe State Alliance, among others.” — John Lundell, former UI IPRC Deputy Director

Click below to read about our outreach work with some of these partners.

[toggle title=”Iowa Department of Transportation“]

Throughout the last several decades, the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) has greatly increased their activities related to safety and injury prevention. The UI IPRC has helped influence this shift through ongoing participation in state Traffic Safety Planning and membership and participation in meetings of the Statewide Traffic Records Forum. Through this partnership, we have:


[toggle title=”Blank Children’s Hospital“]

The UI IPRC’s longstanding partnership with Blank Children’s Hospital began as a research collaboration over 10 years ago and has continued to grow and expand to include advocacy and outreach activities. We have successfully participated together in policy development and adoption to improve both Iowa’s Child Passenger Safety and Graduated Driving Licensing (GDL) laws. Through the co-sponsorship of the annual Keeping Kids Safe Conference, we have been able to provide continuing opportunities to injury prevention practitioners and advocates statewide and region.


[toggle title=”Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH)“]

The UI IPRC’s close partnership with IDPH has led to an enhanced injury-free environment through achievements such as a highly regarded statewide trauma system, Iowa Burden of Injury reports, and implementation of the CDC-funded Iowa Violent Death Reporting System (IA VDRS).  Through this system, we released the first report from this system focused on suicide in Iowa. For decades we have collaborated to evaluate the NCIPC-funded Rape Prevention and Education program.


[toggle title=”Regional Network Collaborating Organization (RNCO)“]

The UI IPRC has long been recognized among state injury prevention programs as a resource for technical assistance, training and outreach throughout the Region 7 states of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. With the establishment of the RNCO, we have been able to expand to reach our partners in states such as Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, North Dakota and South Dakota.


[toggle title=”SAVIR (Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research)“]

The UI IPRC has maintained a valuable partnerships with this key professional organization, which leads in efforts to recruit and train new injury scientists.   Together, SAVIR and UI IPRC have coordinated advocacy and public policy efforts to advance the field of injury and violence prevention.


[toggle title=”Safe States Alliance“]

The UI IPRC has maintained a valuable partnerships with this key professional organization, which provides training opportunities to the injury practice community.   Together, Safe States Alliance and UI IPRC have coordinated advocacy and public policy efforts to advance the field of injury and violence prevention.


[toggle title=”Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB)“]

The UI IPRC has had a mutually-beneficial partnership with the GTSB for nearly two decades. GTBS staff routinely seek data and guidance from UI IPRC on motor vehicle injury-related issues. The GTBS funded survey, the annual Iowa Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Survey, is on its 20th consecutive year and collects information on restraint use and other passenger-related information at 36 locations around the state. It is considered one of the richest longitudinal data sources on restraint use in the country. The UI IPRC is also a member of the GTBS’s Iowa Safe Kids Program, which leads the state’s child passenger safety activities.


[toggle title=”Cluj School of Public Health, University of Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania“]

For more than ten years, the UI Center for International Rural and Environmental Health (CIREH) has built a strong partnership with the Center for Health Policy and Public Health, housed in the University of Babes-Bolyai, Romania. This partnership is funded through several training grants funded by the U.S. NIH/Fogarty International Center, which have helped train several academic leaders at the UI. Through this partnership, projects in occupational health, geohealth, and road traffic safety have advanced science and public health, and have led to permanent infrastructure in public health research and policy.   CIREH helped the Center for Health Policy and Public Health launch Romania’s first degree programs in public health at the Cluj School of Public Health.


[toggle title=”UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital“]

Over the years, the UI IPRC has partnered with the UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital on state policy taskforces and to translate and disseminate intervention programs developed and evaluated by UI IPRC, including Link for Injured Kids (a psychological first aid program for injured kids through the hospital network). This partnership has also led to research collaborations around topics such as bicycle education curricula.


[toggle title=”Iowa Department on Aging“]

The UI IPRC collaborates with the Iowa Department on Aging to sustain evidence-based falls prevention programming throughout Iowa.


[toggle title=”American Public Health Association(APHA): Injury section“]

The UI IPRC integrates students into committees of the APHA’s Injury Control and Emergency  Health Services Section (ICEHS).  We also participate in strategic planning and annual APHA conference activities.


[toggle title=”Department of Human Rights/ Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning“]

Through UI IPRC’s partnership with the Department of Human Rights/ Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning, we participated in evaluations of juvenile justice procedures, Batterer’s Education Programs, and driving charge and sentencing policies.
