To test common risky bicycling situations with cars, we conducted a driving simulation study using the world renowned National Advanced Driving Simulator. We identified such situations from previous research and also by analyzing our PedalPortal naturalistic bicycling dataset, which contains real-world bicycling video and GPS data from children and adults. The situations included (see graphics):…
Recently, KCRG Channel 9 and KGAN Channel 2 News covered UI IPRC’s HEAR web toolkit: Helping Educators Use Art to Reduce Bullying. Video Links: The UI IPRC and The Working Group Theater (WGT) collaborated to create the HEAR web toolkit of arts-based activities to help prevent bullying ( The web toolkit was developed…
Welcome to our new website, and our first blog post for our new Center blog! We have been working hard in the last months to fine tune our website to show the exciting research and outreach we have been doing, and to highlight our comprehensive curriculum for students who will become the future in injury…