Pilot Grant Awards
2024 Pilot Projects
Project Title: An intergenerational approach to support rural older adults prepare for disasters
PI: Sato Ashida, PhD, Community and Behavioral Health
Project Title: The role of the gut microbiome in older adults’ pedestrian injury risk
PI: Shoshannah Eggers, PhD, Epidemiology
2023 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Identifying crash risk factors of older drivers that differ across age and county in Iowa, 2010 to 2020
PI: Gilsu Pae, PhD, Epidemiology
Project Title: A wearable pedestrian instrumentation system for studying parent-child road crossing
PI: Jodie Plumert, PhD, Psychological and Brain Sciences
Project Title: House Fire: Using geomapping and spatial statistical methods to assess the relationship between built environment, sociodemographic, and socioeconomic factors and structural fire risk
PI: Lucy Wibbenmeyer, MD, Surgery
2022 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Interactions of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Sleep Disruption, and Mechanistic Links to Cardiometabolic Disease Risk in Adolescents and Young Adults
PI: Nathaniel Jenkins, PhD, Health & Human Physiology
Project Title: Development of Virtual Reality Lifeguarding Environment for Training and Research
PI: Cathleen Moore, PhD, Psychological and Brain Sciences
AI Project Title: Advanced Eye Tracking of Moving Objects in Driving Simulation
PI: Elizabeth O’Neal, PhD, Psychological and Brain Sciences
AI Project Title: Structural Inequity and Intersectional Suicide Deaths in the United States
PI: Jonathan Platt, PhD, Department of Epidemiology
Project Title: Rural-Urban Disparities in Suicide Deaths among Military-Affiliated and Non-Military Civilians
PI: Priyanka Vakkalanka, PhD, Emergency Medicine
2021 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Regulation of Neuromotor Responses Across the Menstrual Cycle
PI: Kristin Johnson, PhD candidate, Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science
Project Title: Injury Frequency Before & After Implementation of All-Terrain Vehicle Ordinances
PI: Christopher Monson, MD, Pediatric Critical Care Fellow, Pediatrics
Project Title: State Education, Economic & Victim Services Policies: Opportunities for Child Maltreatment Mitigation Across the Prevention Continuum
PI: Hannah Rochford, PhD candidate, Health Management & Policy
Project Title: Preventing injury through disaster management with indigenous older adults
PI: Lena Thompson, PhD candidate, Community and Behavioral Health
2020 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Identification of a Signature Predictive of Fall Injury and 30-day Readmission for a Fall in an Elderly Patient Cohort
PI: Colette Galet, PhD, Associate Research Scientist, Department of Surgery
Project Title: Social Vulnerability and Community Violence: An Analysis of Violence Trends, Social Vulnerabilities and Media Perceptions in a Population Impacted by Flooding
PI: Chelsea Hicks, PhD candidate, Occupational & Environmental Health
Project Title: Identifying Risk Factors to Predict Adverse Outcomes Related to Substance Use
PI: Anna Merrill, PhD, DABCC, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
2019 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Evaluation of Rapid Response Systems and Resources in Rural Critical Access Hospitals to Reduce Unexpected inpatient Injury and Mortality
PI: Jacinda Bunch, PhD, RN, Associate Faculty, College of Nursing
Project Title: Advancing Iowa’s Research to Reduce the Burden of Adverse Childhood Experiences
PI: Aislinn Conrad, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Project Title: Assessing the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Rehabilitation Programming in a Population of Adjudicated Youth
PI: Robyn Espinosa, PhD candidate, Occupational & Environmental Health
Project Title: Objective Measurement of Nurse Fatigue Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Powered Computer Vision
PI: Amany Farag, PhD, MSN, RN, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing
2018 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Childhood Social and Environmental Adversities and the Developmental Progression of Violent Behavior: An Exploration of Neighborhood Contextual Dynamics, Adaptive Programming, and Differential Susceptibility
PI: Mark Berg, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Project Title: Licensure Outcomes in Older Adults Undergoing Medical Review of Fitness-to-drive
PI: Jonathan Davis, MS, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, UI IPRC
Project Title: Mental Heath and Substance Abuse Patients in the Emergency Department: Mobile Crisis Outreach and Healthcare Utilization for Suicidal Patients
PI: Sangil Lee, MD, MS, Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Medicine
Project Title: A Low-Cost Portable and Scalable System for Assessing Balance and Predicting Fall Risk in Older Adults for Inpatient Hospital Settings
PI: Philip Polgreen, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, College of Medicine
Project Title: Multi=scale 3D Printing of Transdermal Naltrexone Microneedles for Prevention of Injury Associated with Alcohol Abuse
PI: Xuan Song, PhD, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering
Project Title: In-home gait and balance screening for the risk assessment of falls in elderly populations
PI: Stephan Baek, PhD, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering
2017 Pilot Projects
Project Title: The Effect of Age on Farmer Self-Restriction and Response to Hazards in a Simulated Tractor Environment
PI: Kayla Faust, PhD student, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
Project Title: Urban and Rural Contexts of Iowa Home Visiting Programs
PI: Aislinn Conrad-Hiebner, MPP, School of Social Work
Project Title: Advanced Bicycle Safety System Effects on Bicyclist Behavior, Stress, and Vehicle Lateral Passing Distance
PI: Steven Spears, PhD, School of Urban and Regional Planning
Project Title: Association Between Bladder Antimuscarinics Use and Fracture in Nursing Homes in Iowa
PI: Yan Zhang, MS, PhD student, Department of Epidemiology
2016 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Evaluation of Response to Pedestrians and other Road Hazards by Drivers under the Acute Influence of Cannabis and Low Level Alcohol
PI: Timothy Brown, PhD, National Advanced Driving Simulator
Project Title: Youth Football Injuries
PI: Andrew Peterson, MD MSPH, UI Carver College of Medicine
Project Title: The Prevention of Frailty and Falls in the Elderly Burn and Trauma Patient
PI: Kathleen Romanowski, MD, Division of Acute Care Surgery, UI Carver College of Medicine
Project Title: Parenting for Safe and Civil Online Behavior: Strategies and Barriers
PI: Rachel Young, PhD, MPH, UI School of Journalism and Mass Communication
2015 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Assessment of Violence Prevention Programs/Curricula in Middle/Junior High Schools
PI: Shabbar Ranapurwala, PhD; Post-Doctoral Scholar, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
Project Title: Pilot Study Examining Relationships between Sport-Related Concussions, Mental Health and Substance Use among NCAA Division III Collegiate Student-Athletes
PI: Miesha Marzell, PhD, MSW, Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Project Title: Youth-Size ATVs: How Variable Are Dimensions Of Models Recommended For Specific Age Groups
PI: Charles Jennissen, Department of Emergency Medicine
Project Title: Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence and Provision of Services in an Emergency Department
PI: Karisa Harland, PhD, Department of Emergency Medicine
Project Title: Bicycling to School: Route and School Siting Safety Effects
PI: Cara Hamann, PhD; Post-Doctoral Scholar, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
Project Title: Evaluating Efficacy of Fatigue Countermeasures to Improve Driving Safety In Shift and Non-shift Healthcare Workers
PI: Nazan Aksan, PhD, Department of Neurology
2014 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Reducing Surgical Site Infections by Identifying Modifiable Risk Factors in Orthopaedic Trauma Patients
PI: Michael Willey, MD, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
Project Title: Testing the Effectiveness of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Skills Group for Incarcerated Domestic Violence Offenders
PI: Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, MA; Doctoral Candidate, Department of Psychology
Project Title: A Detailed Three-Dimensional Computational Model of the Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord
PI: Nicole Grosland, PhD, Biomedical Engineering and Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
Project Title: The Role of Individual and Environmental Factors in Intimate Partner Violence
PI: Laura Schwab-Reese, PhD; UI Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Project Title: Discovering the Factors that Differentiate Vehicular Crashes by Driver Age on the State of Iowa: A Machine Learning Approach
PI: Guadalupe Canahuate, PhD; UI Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2013 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Understanding and enhancing driver-to-driver communication to improve older driver safety
PI: Satoshi Kitazaki, PhD, Department of Neurology
Project Title: Evaluation of Bicyclist Safety Behaviors during left turns across traffic.
PI: Cara Hamann, PhD; Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center
Project Title: Prehospital Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Trial
PI: Nicholas M. Mohr, MD, Emergency Medicine and Anesthesia
Project Title: Translational Research: Development of PrepWise, a New Tool to Assist Community-Dwelling Older Adults Prepare for Disasters
PI: Sato Ashida, PhD; Department of Community and Behavioral Health
2012 Pilot Projects
Project Title: A Comparative Effectiveness Study of two School-based Assault Prevention Programs: Child Assault Prevention and Happy Bear
PI: Maisha Frederick, MPH; PhD Student, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
Project Title: Exploring the Mechanisms of Bicycle Injury Risk Among Child Cyclists with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
PI: Molly A. Nikolas, PhD, Department of Psychology
Project Title: Quantification of Rural Machinery Operators’ Biodynamics and Injury Risk in Real-Life Applications
PI: Salam Rahmatalla, PhD, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Project Title: Identification of pediatric burns from glass fronted fire places (GFGF) in the United States and Canada
PI: Lucy Wibbenmeyer, MD; UI Department of Surgery
2011 Pilot Projects
Project Title: The Use of Telemedicine to Improve Burn Diagnosis and Treatment in a Rural Healthcare Center
PI: Lucy Wibbenmeyer, MD; UI Department of Surgery
Project Title: Simulation: A Safe, Novel, and Powerful Approach to ATV injury Prevention Research
PI: Chuck Jennissen, MD; UI Department of Emergency Medicine
Project Title: Estimation of the Cost of Sexual Violence in Iowa
PI: Jingzhen (Ginger) Yang, PhD, MPH; UI Department of Community and Behavioral Health
2010 Pilot Projects
Project Title: The Contexts of Sexual Involvement and Teen Dating Violence
PI: Anthony Paik, PhD; UI Department of Sociology
Project Title: Head Injury Prevention in the Pediatric Emergency Department
PI: Jingzhen (Ginger)Yang, PhD, MPH; UI Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Project Title: Fall Risk Screening and Intervention: An Emergency Department Initiative
PI: Dionne Skeete, MD; UI Department of Surgery
Project Title: Epidemiology of Chronic Injuries in Intercollegiate Athletes
PI: Jingzhen (Ginger) Yang, PhD, MPH; UI Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Project Title: Driving Safety and Real-Time Glucose Monitoring in Type 1 Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
PI: Matthew Rizzo, MD; UI Department of Neurology
Project Title: Development of a Validated Video Library for Studying Perceptual Challenges of Lifeguard Surveillance
PI: Cathleen Moore, PhD; UI Department of Psychology
2009 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Risk Factors and ATV Injuries in Iowa
PI: Christopher Buresh, MD; UI Department of Emergency Medicine
Project Title: Psychological First Aid- A Triage and Treatment Tool to Help Children in Crisis
PI: Marizen Ramirez, PhD, MPH; UI Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
Project Title: Augmented Reality Alerts to Improve Oder Driver Safety
PI: Matthew Rizzo, MD; UI Department of Neurology
Project Title: Air Medical Transport Program Affiliation With a Burn Center Improves Patient Outcomes
PI: Paul Van Heukelom, MD; UI Department of Emergency Medicine
Project Title: Projectul Luminita
PI: Anne Wallis, PhD; UI Department of Epidemiology
Project Title: Morbid Obesity Impacts on Immune Response Following a Traumatic Injury
PI: Kent Choi, MD; UI Department of Surgery
Project Title: Effectiveness of School-Based Psychological First Aid: Listen Connect Protect
PI: Marizen Ramirez, PhD, MPH; UI Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
Project Title: Advanced Collision Notification with Video
PI: Dan McGehee, MS; UI Public Policy Center
2008 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Understanding from the Inside: A Critical Ethnographic View at the Help-Seeking Behaviors of Battered Immigrant Latinas in Iowa
PI: Elithet Silva-Martinez, MSW; UI School of Social Work
2007 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Simulation Testing of Innovative Rural Work Zone Traffic Control Designs to Reduce Injuries and Fatalities
PI: Michelle Reyes; UI Center for Computer-Aided Design
Project Title: Recidivism, Driving Violations, and Long Term Mortality in a Level 1, Rural Trauma Center
PI: Timothy Light, MD; UI Department of Surgery
Project Title: Impact of Sport Injury on Psychological Well-Being and Level of Commitment to Continue Sport Participation in High School Athletes
PI: Ginger Yang, PhD, MPH; UI Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Project Title: Geo-Epidemiology of Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Iowa
PI: Anne Wallis, PhD; UI Department of Epidemiology
2005 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Use and Successful Placement of the Laryngeal Tube Airway by Pre-Hospital Providers in Iowa
PI: Christopher Russi, DO; UI Department of Emergency Medicine
Project Title: Perceived Social Support and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety Following Athletic Injury in Collegiate Athletes
PI: Ginger Yang, PhD, MPH; UI Department of Community and Behavioral Health
Project Title: Intimate Partner Violence In Women Seeking Abortion Services
PI: Audrey Saftlas, MPH, PhD; UI Department of Epidemiology
2004 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Analysis of Injuries Associated With the Lower Extremities Among Older Women
PI: Linda Ng Boyle, PhD; UI Department of Industrial Engineering
Project Title: A Closer Look at Domestic Violence in Rural Populations: The “Context of Psychological and Physical Aggression” Interview
PI: Erika Lawrence, PhD; UI Department of Psychology
2003 Pilot Projects
Project Title: stablishing a Registry and Database for Tracking the Safety of Drivers with Sleep Apnea
PI: Linda Ng Boyle, PhD; UI Department of Industrial Engineering
Project Title: Reporting of Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes
PI: Gerald Jogerst, MD; UI Department of Family Medicine
2002 Pilot Projects
Project Title: The Biodynamics of Pre-Impact Bracing
PI: Dan McGehee, MS; UI Public Policy Center
2000 Pilot Projects
Project Title: Burn Prevalence Study In Selected Iowa Counties
PI: Lucy Wibbenmeyer, MD; UI Department of Surgery
Project Title: Addressing the Challenges of Speech-Based Interaction for In-Vehicle Computers
PI: John Lee, PhD; UI Department of Industrial Engineering