Publications – 2000
Peitzman AB, Heil B, Rivera L, Kealey GP…et al. Blunt splenic Injury in Adults: Multi-institutional study of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma Inj Infect Crit Care 2000. 49:177-89, Aug 2000.
Beardsley CL, Heiner AD, Brandser EA, Marsh JL, Brown TD. High density polyetheruethane foam as a fragmentation and radiographic surrogate for cortical bone. Iowa Ortho J. 20:24-30, 2000.
Hitchon PW, Goel VK, Rogge T, Dooris A, Drake J, Torner J. Spinal stability with anterior or posterior ray threaded fusion cages. J Neurosurg. (Spine 1) 93:102-108, 2000.
Hitchon PW, Goel VK, Serhan H, Rogge T, Grosland N, Sairyo K, Torner J. Biomechanical studies on a dynamized anterior thoracolumbar implant. Spine. 25:306-309, 2000.
Julien TD, Frankel B, Traynelis VC, Ryken TC. Evidence-based analysis of odontoid fracture management. Neurosurg Focus. 8:1-6, 2000.
Lee JD, Sanquist TF. Augmenting the operator function model with cognitive operations: assessing the cognitive demands of technological innovation in ship design. IEEE-Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 30(3):1-14, 2000.
Lennarson PJ, Mostafavi H, Traynelis VC, Walters BC. Management of Type II dens fractures: a case-control study. Spine. 25:1234-1237, 2000.
Lennarson PJ, Smith D, Todd MM, Carras D, Sawin PD, Brayton J, Sato Y, Traynelis VC. Segmental cervical spine motion during orotracheal intubation of the intact and injured spine with and without external stabilization. J Neurosurg. (Spine 2) 92:201-206, 2000.
Reynolds SJ, Groves W. Effectiveness of roll-over protective structures in reducing farm tractor fatalities. Am J Prev Med. 18(4S):63-69, 2000.
Rizzo, M, Anderson, SW, Dawson, J, Myers, R, Ball, K. Visual attention impairments in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology 54:1954-1959, 2000.
Rosecrance JC, Cook TM. The use of participatory action research and ergonomics in prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the newspaper industry. Appl Occup Environ Hyg. 15(3):255-262, 2000.
Runyan CW, Zakocs RC, Zwerling C. Administrative and behavioral interventions for workplace violence prevention. Am J Prev Med. 18(4S):116-127, 2000.
Schechter S, Edleson JL. Domestic violence and children: creating a public response. New York City: The Center on Crime, Communities & Culture, a project of the Open Society Institute, 2000.
Schootman M, Fuortes L. Ambulatory care for traumatic brain injuries in the United States, 1995-1997, Brain Inj. 14(4):373-381, 2000.
Schootman M, Harlan M, Fuortes L. Epidemiology of severe traumatic brain injuries in Iowa: the use of the capture-recapture method. J Trauma. 48:70-75, 2000.
Schwebel DC, Plumert JM, Pick HL. Integrating basic and applied development research: a new model for the twenty-first century. Child Dev. 71:222-230, 2000.
Lee CK, Kim YE, Lee CS, Hong YM, Jung JM, Goel VK. Impact response of the intervertebral disc in a finite-element model. Spine. 25(19):2431-9, 2000.
Taggard DA, Traynelis VC. Management of cervical spine fractures in ankylosing spondylitis with posterior fixation. Spine. 25(16):2035-9, 2000.
Brown TL, Lee JD, & McGehee DV. An attention-based model of driver performance in rear-end collision situations. Transportation Research Record. 1724:14-20, 2000.
Doebbeling BN, Clarke WR, Watson D, Torner JC, Woolson RF, Voelker MD, Barrett DH, Schwartz DH. Is there a Persian Gulf War syndrome? Evidence from a large population-based survey of veterans and nondeployed controls. Am J Med. 108:695-704, 2000.
Hitchon PW, Goel VK, Rogge TN, Torner JC, Dooris AP, Drake JS, Yang SJ, Totoribe K. In vitro biomechanical analysis of three anterior thoracolumbar implants. J Neurosurg Spine. 93:252-8, 2000.
Nordstrom D, Zwerling C, Stromquist A. Frequency, characteristics, and child and parent risk factors for nonfatal injury in rural children. Ann Epidemiol. 10(7):452, 2000.
Zwerling C, Torner JC, Clarke WR, Voelker MD, Doebbeling BN, Barrett DH, Merchant JA, Woolson RF, Schwartz DA. Self-reported postwar injuries among Gulf War veterans. Public Health Rep. 115(4):346-9, 2000.
Cook, TM, Cost-benefits of healthy workplaces: ergonomics and economics. Homeostasis. 40(6):224-225, 2000.
Ludewig PM, Cook TM. Alterations in shoulder kinematics and associated muscle activity in people with symptoms of shoulder impingement. Phys Ther. 80(3):276-91, 2000.
Scarth RD, Stallones L, Zwerling C, Burmeister LF. The prevalence of depressive symptoms and risk factors among Iowa and Colorado farmers. Am J Ind Med. 37(4):382-9, 2000.
Sprince NL, Lewis MQ, Whitten PS, Reynolds SJ, Zwerling C. Respiratory symptoms: associations with pesticides, silos, and animal confinement in the Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance Project. Am J Ind Med. 38(4):455-62, 2000.
McGehee DV, Raby M, Nourse GE. Defining the operator interface of a snowplow lane tracking system from field interviews and surveys. Transportation Research Record No. 1700 – winter maintenance innovations; Vehicle rental rates. (Paper No. 00-0784). (pp. 38-44), 2000.
Raby M, McGehee DV, Nourse GE, Bartingale S. Operator interface design of a lane awareness system for snow removal operations. Paper presented at the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. (Published in the Proceedings) Turin, Italy, November 6-9, 2000.
Zwerling C, Sprince NL, Davis CS, Wallace RB, Whitten PS, Heeringa SG. Occupational
injuries among workers with disabilities. In: Employment, disability, and the Americans with Disabilities Act: Issues in Law, public policy, and research. Blanck PD, editor. Chicago: Northwestern University Press. pp. 315-328, 2000.