Publications – 2005
Uc EY, Rizzo M, Anderson SW, Shi Q, Dawson JD. Driver landmark and traffic sign identification in early Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr. 76(6):764-8, 2005.
Zwerling C, Peek-Asa C, Whitten PS, Choi SW, Sprince NL, Jones MP. Fatal motor vehicle crashes in rural and urban areas: decomposing rates into contributing factors. Inj Prev. 11(1):24-28, 2005.
Hund AM, Plumert JM. The stability and flexibility of spatial categories. Cognit Psychol. 50(1):1-44, 2005.
Peek-Asa C, Zwerling C, Young T, Stromquist A, Burmeister L, Merchant J. A population-based study of reporting patterns and characteristics of men who abuse their female partners. Inj Prev. 11(3):180-185, Jun 2005.
Flamme GA, Mudipalli R, Reynolds S, Kelly K, Stromquist AM, Zwerling C, Burmeister L, Pens S-C, Merchant J. Prevalence of hearing impairment in a rural Midwestern cohort: estimates from the Keokuk County Rural Health Study, 1994-1998. Ear Hear. 26(3):350-360, Jun 2005.
Ramirez M, Peek-Asa C. Epidemiology of traumatic injuries from earthquakes. Epidemiol Rev. 27:47-55, 2005.
Fisher B, Peek-Asa C. Domestic violence in the workplace: do we know too much of nothing? Workplace Violence, edited by Vaughan Bowie, Bonnie S. Fisher, and Cary L. Cooper, Willan Publishing, Devon, UK, 2005.
Peek-Asa C, Allareddy V, Yang J, Taylor C, Lundell J, Zwerling C. When one is not enough: Prevalence and characteristics of homes not adequately protected by smoke alarms. Inj Prev. 11(6):364-368, Dec 2005.
Choi SW, Peek-Asa C, Sprince NL, Rautiainen RH, Donham KJ, Flamme GA, Whitten PS, Zwerling C. Hearing loss as a risk factor for agricultural injuries. Am J Ind Med. 48:298-301, 2005.
Rautiainen RH, Ledolter J, Sprince NL, Donham KJ, Burmeister LF, Ohsfeldt R, Reynolds SJ, Phillips K, Zwerling C. Effects of premium discount on Worker’s Compensation claims in agriculture in Finland. Am J Ind Med. 48(2):100-109, Aug 2005.
Rautiainen RH, Ohsfeldt R, Sprince NL, Donham KJ, Burmeister LF, Reynolds SJ, Saarimäki P, Zwerling C. Cost of compensated injuries and occupational diseases in agriculture in Finland. J Agromed. 10(3): 21-29, 2005.
Choi K, Peek-Asa C, Lovell M, Torner JC, Zwerling C, and Kealey P. Complications following therapeutic trauma laparotomy. J Am Coll Surg. 201(4):546-553, Oct 2005.
Marshall SW, Runyan CS, Yang JZ, Coyne-Beasley T, Waller AE, Johnson RM. Prevalence of selected risk and protective factors for falls in the home. Am J Prev Med. 28(1):95-101, 2005.
Runyan CS, Johnson RM, Yang JZ, Waller AE, Perkis D, Marshall SW, Coyne-Beasley T, McGee KS. Risk and protective factors for fires, burns, and carbon monoxide poisoning in U.S. households. Am J Prev Med. 28(1):102-108, 2005.
Yang JZ, Marshall SW, Bowling JM, Runyan CW, Mueller FO, Lewis MA. Use of discretionary protective equipment and rate of lower extremity injury in high school athletes. Am J Epidemiol. 161:511-519, 2005.
Plumert JM, Kearney JK, Cremer JF, Recker K. Distance perception in real and virtual environments. ACM Transactions in Applied Perception. Vol 2(3):216-233, 2005.
Johnson MD, Cohan CL, Davila J, Lawrence E, Rogge RD, Karney BR, Sullivan KT, Bradbury TN. Problem-solving skills and affective expressions as predictors of change in marital satisfaction. Journal Consult and Clin Psychol. 73:15-27, 2005.
Truong AN, Kowal-Vern A. Latenser BA, Wiley DE, Walter RJ. Comparison of Dermal Substitute Efficacy on Wound Contracture in a Nude Mouse Model. J Burns Wounds. 96-100, March 2005.
Loor MM, Vern TZ, Latenser BA, Kowal-Vern A. Trends in Burn Research as Reflected in American Burn Association Presentations 1998-2003. J Burn Care Rehabil. 26(5):397-404, Sept/Oct 2005.
Kowal-Vern A, Webster SD, Rasmasubban S, Casey L, Bauer DK, Latenser BA, Rubin DB. Circulating Endothelial Cell Levels Correlate with Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Increase in the Acute Phase of Thermal Injury. J Burn Care Rehabil. 26(5):422-429, Sept/Oct 2005.
Hitchon PW, Eichholz K, Barry C, Rubenbauer P, Ingalhalikar A, Nakamura S, Follet K, Lim TH, Torner J. Biomechanical studies of an artificial disk implant in the human cadaveric spine. J Neurosurg Spine. 2:339-343, 2005.
Murty, SA. The future of rural social work. Adv Soc Work. 6(1):132-144, 2005.
Kealy GP. Failure of observation of blunt splenic injury in adults: variability in practice and adverse consequences. J Am Coll Surg. 37(3):179-187, 2005.
Tung KY, Chen ML, Wang HJ, Chen GS, Peck M, Yang JZ, Liu CC. A seven-year epidemiology study of 12,381 admitted burn patients in Taiwan-using the Internet registration system of the Childhood Burn Foundation. Burns. Suppl 1:S12-7, 2005.
Linnan L, Regan-Sterba K, Lee AM, Breny-Bontempi J, Yang JZ, Crump C. Planning and the professional preparation of health educators: Implications for teaching, research, and practice. Health Promot Pract. 6(3):308-319, 2005.
Rosenbaum ME, Ferguson KJ, Herwaldt LA. “In Their Own Words”: Presenting the Patient’s Perspective Using Research-Based Theater. Med Educ. 39():622-31, 2005.
Ferguson KJ. Problem-Based Learning: Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Med Educ. 39(4):352-3, 2005. Invited commentary.
Choi SW, Peek-Asa C, Zwerling C, Sprince NL, Rautiainen RH, Whitten PS, Flamme GA. A comparison of self-reported hearing and pure tone threshold average in the Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Survey. Journal of Agromedicine. 10(3):31-9, 2005.
St. Louis EK. Monitoring and use of the older and new AEDs: leveling the playing field. Profiles in Seizure Management. 4(2):4-10, 2005.
Hoffman JD, Lee JD, McGehee DV, Gellatly AW. Visual sampling of in-vehicle text messages: The effects of number of lines, page presentation and message control. Transportation Research Record. 1937, 22-31, 2005.
Lee JD. Driver distraction: Breakdowns of a multi-level control process. J Aust Road Saf. 16(2), 33-38, 2005.
Rizzo M, Shi Q, Dawson J, Anderson SW, Kellison I, Pietras T. Stops for cops: Impaired response implementation in older drivers with cognitive decline. Transportation Research Record. 1922:1-8, 2005.
Yang JZ, Bowling JM, Lewis MA, Marshall SW, Runyan CW, Mueller FO. Use of discretionary protective equipment in high school athletes: Prevalence and determinants. American J Public Health. 95:1996-2002, 2005.
Rosecrance JC, Anton D, Merlino L, Cook TM. The effect pneumatic power tool use on nerve conduction velocity across the wrist. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing. 15(4): 339-352, 2005.
Peek-Asa C, Allareddy S, Yang G, Taylor C, Zwerling C, Lundell J. When one is not enough: Prevalence and characteristics of homes not adequately protected by smoke alarms. Journal of Injury Prevention. 11(6): 364-368, 2005.
Cook JA, Peterson JJ, Nothwehr F, Peterson NA, Lowe JB. Empowerment of the Community Health Action Partnership of Keokuk County, Iowa. Health Education and Behavior. 32: 146-148, 2005.
Wang H, Kearney JK, Cremer JF, Willemsen P. Steering behaviors for autonomous vehicles in virtual environments. Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Bonn, Germany, pp. 155-162, March 2005.
Seppelt BD, Lees MN, Lee JD. Driver distraction and reliance: Adaptive cruise control in the context of sensor reliability and algorithm limits. In Boyle LN, Lee JD, McGehee DV, Raby M, Rizzo M (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driving Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design. 255-261. 27-30 June, 2005, Rockport, Maine, 2005.
St. Louis EK, McEvoy S, Shi QC, Rizzo M. Useful field of view impairment in partial epilepsy. Proceedings of the 3rd International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design. Rockport, Maine. July 2005.
McGehee DV, Lee JD, Rizzo M, Boyle LN. Proceedings of the Third International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driving Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design. Iowa City, IA: The University of Iowa, Public Policy Center, 2005.