College of Public Health

Publications – 2006

Yang J, Peek-Asa C, Veerasathpurush A, Zwerling C, Lundell J. Perceived risk of home fire and escape plans in rural households. Am J Prev Med. 30(1):7-12, Jan 2006.

Choi SW, Peek-Asa C, Sprince NL, Rautiainen R, Flamme GA, Whitten PS, Zwerling C. Sleep quantity and quality as a predictor of injuries in a rural population. Am J Emerg Med. 24(2):189-96, Mar 2006.

Jogerst GJ, Daly JM, Dawson JD, Peek-Asa C, Schmuch G. Iowa nursing home characteristics associated with reported abuse. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 7(4):203-7, May 2006.

Lawrence, E., Ro, E., Barry, R., & Bunde, M. Chapter 15: Mechanisms of distress and dissolution in physically aggressive romantic relationships. In M.A. Fine & J.H. Harvey (Eds.), Handbook of divorce and relationship dissolution (pp. 263-288). NJ: Erlbaum. 2006.

Sanderson WT, Madsen MD, Rautiainen RH, Kelly KM, Zwerling C, Taylor CD, Reynolds SJ, Stromquist AM, Burmeister LF, Merchant JA. Tractor overturn concerns in Iowa: Perspectives from the Keokuk County Rural Health Study. J Agric Saf Health. 12(1):71-81, 2006.

Rosenbaum ME, Ferguson KJ. Using patient-generated cases to teach students skills in responding to patient’s emotions. Med Teach 28(2):180-182, Mar 2006.

Kyriacou DN, Monkkonen EH, Peek-Asa C, Lucke RE, Labbett S, Pearlman KS, Hutson HR. Police deaths in New York and London during the twentieth century. Inj Prev 12(4):219-24, Aug 2006.

Uc EY, Rizzo M, Anderson SW, neurology; Shi Q, Dawson JD. Unsafe rear-end collision avoidance in Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Sci. 2006 Dec 21;251(1-2):35-43. PMID: 17049360.

Rautiainen RH, Ohsfeldt R, Sprince NL, Donham KJ, Burmeister LF, Reynolds SJ; Saarimaki P; Zwerling C. Cost of injuries and occupational diseases in agriculture in Finland. J Argomedicine 10(3), 2006.

Choi SW, Peek-Asa C, Zwerling C, Sprince NL, Rautainen RH, Whitten S, Flamme GA. A comparison of self-reported hearing and pure tone threshold average in the Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Survey. J Agromedicine 10(3), 2006.

Castro RP, Garcia L, Ruiz A, Peek-Asa C. Developing an index to measure violence against women for comparative studies between Mexico and the United States. J Fam Viol. 21(1):95-104, Jan 2006.

Lee JD, McGehee DV, Brown TL, Marshall DC. Effects of adaptive cruise control and alert modality on driver performance. Transportation Research Record.1980(1):49-56, 2006.

Donmez B, Boyle L, Lee JD. The impact of driver distraction mitigation strategies on driving performance. Human Factors. 48(4):785-804, 2006.

Donmez B, Boyle L, Lee JD, McGehee DV. Drivers’ attitudes toward imperfect distraction mitigation strategies. Transportation Research Part F: Psychol Behav.  9(6):387-398, 2006.

Peek-Asa C, Casteel C, Whitten P, Kraus JF. Employee and customer injury during violent crimes in and service businesses. Am J Pub Health. 96(10):1867-72, Oct 2006.

Knowles SB, Marshall SW, Bowling JM, Loomis D, Millikan R, Yang JZ, Weaver NL, Kalsbeek W, Meuller FO. A Prospective Study of Injury Incidence in North Carolina High School Athletes. Am J Epidemiol. 164(12):1209-21, 2006.

Chin MK, Yang JZ, Girandola RN, Ding KL, Peek-Asa C. Prevalence of obesity and body composition in Hong Kong school children. J Exerc Sci Fit. 4(2):85-95, 2006.

Tiesman H, Peek-Asa C, Whitten P, Sprince NL, Stromquist A, Zwerling C. Depressive symptoms as a risk factor for unintentional injury: A cohort in a rural county. Inj Prev. 12(3):172-7, Jun 2006.

Pietras TA, Shi Q, Lee JD, Rizzo M. Traffic-entry behavior and crash risk for older drivers with impairment of selective attention. Percept Mot Skills. 2006 Jun;102(3):632-44. PMID: 16916143.

Yang J, Peek-Asa C, Allareddy V, Zwerling C, Lundell J. Perceived Risk of Home Fire and Escape Plans in Rural Households. Am J Prev Med. 30(1): 7-12, 2006.

Rogge RD, Cobb RJ, Story LB, Johnson MD, Lawrence EE, Rothman AD, Bradbury TN. Recruitment and Selection of Couples for Intervention Research: Achieving Developmental Homogeneity at the Cost of Demographic Diversity. J Consult Clin Psychol. 74(4):777-784, Aug 2006.

Uc EY, Rizzo M, Anderson SW, Sparks J, Rodnitzky RL, Dawson JD. Impaired visual search in drivers with Parkinson’s disease. Ann Neurol. 2006 Oct;60(4):407-13. PMID: 16969860.

Uc EY, Rizzo M, Anderson SW, Sparks JD, Rodnitzky RL, Dawson JD. Driving with distraction in Parkinson disease. Neurology 2006 Nov 28;67(10):1774-1780. PMID: 17130409.

Donmez B, Boyle LN, Lee JD. Safety implications of providing real-time feedback to distracted drivers. Accid Anal Prev, Nov 2006.

Lee JD. Driving safety. In R. S. Nickerson (Ed.), Review of Human Factors (pp. 172-218). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2006b.

Moeckli J & Lee JD. The making of driving cultures. In J. P. Kissinger (Ed.), Improving Traffic Safety Culture in the US:  The Journey Forward (pp. 59-76). Washington, DC: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 2006.

Peek-Asa C, Mallonee S. Interpreting evidence of effectiveness: How do you know when a prevention approach will work for your community? In: Handbook of Injury and Violence Prevention. Ed. Doll L, Bonzo SE, Mercy JE, Sleet DA. Springer Publications, NY, NY, 2006.

McGehee DV, Lee JD, Rakauskis M, Ward N. Road departure and curve speed warning effectiveness in high-fidelity simulation. NHTSA/Volpe Technical Report, 2006.

Hoffman J, Lee J, McGehee D, Gellatly A. Visual sampling of in-vehicle text messages: the effects of number of lines and page presentation. Transportation Research Record, 2006.

Lamers CTJ, Rizzo M, Bechara A, Ramaekers JG. Comparison of simulated driving performance and attention of repeated users of MDMA and THC as compared to THC users and non drug using controls. Transportation Research Record.  1969: 50-57, 2006.

Kearney JK, Rizzo M, Severson J. Virtual reality and neuroergonomics. To appear in R. Parasuraman and M. Rizzo (Eds.), Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 253-275, 2006.

Rogge RD Cobb RJ, Story LB, Johnson MD, Lawrence E, Rothman AD, Bradbury TN. Recruitment and selection of couples for intervention research: Achieving developmental homogeneity at the cost of demographic diversity.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(4): 777-784, 2006.

Pietras T, Shi Q, Lee JD, Rizzo M. Traffic-entry behavior and crash risk for older drivers with impairment of selective attention. Percept Mot Skills, 102(3): 632-644, 2006.