College of Public Health

Publications – 2007

Anderson SW, Rizzo M, Skaar N, Stierman L, Cavaco S, Dawson J, Damasio H. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2007 Jan;29(1):1-12. PMID: 17162717.

Knowles SB, Marshall SW, Miller T, Spicer R, Bowling JM, Loomis D, Millikan RW, Yang J, Mueller FO. Cost of injuries from a prospective cohort study of North Carolina high school athletes. Inj Prev 13(6):416-421, 2007.

Sprince N, Park H, Zwerling C, Whitten P, Lynch C, Burmeister L, Gillette P, Alavanja M. Risk factors for low back injury among farmers in Iowa: A case-control study nested in the agricultural health study. J Occu Environ Hyg 4(1):10-16, Jan. 2007

Marshall DC, Lee JD, Austria PA, Alerts for in-vehicle information systems: Annoyance, urgency, and appropriateness. Human Factors 49(1):145-157, 2007.

Russi C, Wilcox C, House H. The laryngeal tube (LT) airway device: A simple and timely adjunct to airway management. J Emerg Med 25(3):263-267, 2007.

Hund AM, Plumert JM.  What counts as “by?” Young children’s use of relative distance to judge nearbyness. Dev Psychol 43(1):121-133, 2007.

Sprince NL, Alavanja M, Lynch CF, Burmeister LF, Whitten PS, Gillette PA, Park H, Thu K. Risk factors for low back injury among farmers in Iowa: a case-control study nested in the Agricultural Health Study. J Occup Env Hg 4(1):10-16, 2007.

Yang JZ, Peek-Asa, C, Allareddy V, Phillips G, Zhang Y, Cheng G. Patient and hospital characteristics associated with length of stay and hospital  charges for pediatric sports-related injury hospitalizations in the United States, 2000-2003. Pediatrics 119(4):813-20, April 2007.

  1. Tiesman H, Zwerling C, Peek-Asa C, Sprince N, Cavanaugh JE. Non-fatal injuries among urban and rural residents: The National Health Interview Survey, 1997-2001. Inj Prev 13(2):115-9, Apr 2007.
  2. Allareddy S, Peek-Asa C, Yang G, Zwerling C. Risk factors for rural residential fires. J Rural Health 23(3):264-9, Summer 2007.
  3. Rosenbaumm, C, Schwabbauer M, Kreiter C, Ferguson K. Medical student perceptions of emerging learning communities at one medical school. Academic Medicine 82(5):508-515, 2007.
  4. Lee JD, McGehee DV, Brown TL, Nakamoto J. Driver sensitivity to brake pulse duration and magnitude. Ergonomics 50(6):828-836, 2007.
  5. Seppelt BD, Lee JD. Making adaptive cruise control (ACC) limits visible. Inter J Human-Computer Studies 65(3):192-205, 2007.
  6. Casteel C, Peek-Asa C, Limbos MA. Predictors of nonfatal assault injury to public school teachers in Los Angeles City. Am J Ind Med 50(12):932-9, 2007.
  7. Peek-Asa C. Biography. Inj Prev 13(3):149, Jun 2007.
  8. Tiesman H, Young T, Torner JC, McMahon M, Peek-Asa C, Fiedler J. Effects of a rural trauma system on traumatic brain injuries. J Neurotrauma 24(7):1189-97, Jul 2007.
  9. Peek-Asa C, Casteel C, Allareddy V, Nocera M, Goldmacher S, OHagan E, Blando J, Valiante D, Gillen M, Harrison R. Workplace violence prevention programs in hospital emergency departments. J Occup Environ Med 47(7):756-63, Jul 2007.
  10. Peek-Asa C, Sprince NL, Whitten PS, Falb SR, Madsen MD, Zwerling C. Characteristics of crashes with farm equipment that increase potential for injury. J Rural Health 23(4):339-47, Sep 2007.
  11. Uc EY, Rizzo M, Anderson SW, Sparks JD, Rodnitzky RL, Dawson JD. Impaired navigation in drivers with Parkinson’s disease. Brain. 2007 Sep;130(Pt 9):2433-40. PMID: 17686809.
  12. Yang J, Peek-Asa C, Corlette JD, Cheng G, Foster DT, Albright J. Prevalence of and risk factors associated with symptoms of depression in competitive collegiate student athletes. Clin J Sport Med 17(6):481-7, Nov 2007.
  13. Peek-Asa C, Maxwell L, Stromquist A, Whitten P, Lombos MA, Merchant J. Does parental physical violence reduce children’s standardized test score performance? Ann Epidemiol 17(11):847-53, Nov 2007.
  14. Tiesman HM, Peek-Asa C, Zwerling C, Sprince N, Amoroso PJ. Occupational and non-occupational injuries in the United States Army; focus on gender. Am J Prev Med 33(6):464-70, Dec 2007.

Lee JD. Affect, attention, and automation. In Kramer A, Wiegmann D, Kirlik A (eds.), Attention: From Theory to Practice (pp. 73-89). New York: Oxford University Press. 2007.

  1. Donmez B, Boyle LN, Lee JD. Safety implications of providing real-time feedback to distracted drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 39(3):581-590, 2007.
  2. Lee JD. Technology and the teen driver. Journal of Safety Research, 38(2):203-213, 2007.
  3. Lee YC, Lee JD, Boyle LN. Visual attention in driving: The effects of cognitive load and visual disruption. Human Factors, 49(4):721-733, 2007.
  4. Lees MN, Lee JD. The influence of distraction and driving context on driver response to imperfect collision warning systems. Ergonomics, 50(8):1264-1286, 2007.
  5. Liang Y, Lee JD, Reyes ML. Nonintrusive detection of driver cognitive distraction in real time using Bayesian networks. Transportation Research Record, 2018:1-8, 2007.

Liang Y, Reyes ML, Lee JD. Real-time detection of driver cognitive distraction using Support Vector Machines. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems, 8(2):340-350, 2007.

McGehee DV, Raby M, Carney CH, Reyes ML, Lee JD. Extending parental mentoring using an event-triggered video intervention in rural teen drivers. J Safety Research, 38:215-227, 2007.

Lee JD. Driver distraction: Breakdowns in a multi-level control process. In Research Perspectives on Driver Distraction. Sydney, AU, 2007.

Plumert JM, Kearney JK, Cremer JF. Children’s road crossing:  A window into perceptual-motor development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16:255-258, 2007.

Landsman MJ, Hartley CC. Attributing responsibility for child maltreatment when domestic violence is present. Child Abuse & Neglect, 31:445-461, 2007.

Lawrence E, Bradbury TN. Trajectories of change in physical aggression and marital satisfaction. Journal of Family Psychology.  21(2): 236-247, 2007.

Lawrence E. A contextual analysis of physical aggression in intimate relationships.  Handbook of research on aggression. K. Bjorkqvist (Ed.). Finland: Abo Akademi University Press, 2007.



Chihak B, Babu S, Grechkin T, Ziemer C, Cremer JF, Kearney JK, Plumert JM. How do bicyclists intercept moving gaps in a virtual environment. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 188, Aug 2007.