College of Public Health

IPRC Injury Blog

  • Preventing child injuries outdoors during COVID-19

    Preventing child injuries outdoors during COVID-19

    Summer is here and families across the U.S. have headed outdoors more for exercise, play and recreation amidst a global pandemic. Being active outdoors is good for physical and mental health and child development but must be done safely. Just as social distancing and wearing face masks are critical to reducing the spread of COVID-19,…

  • Marking 50 blog posts on injuries & violence

    Marking 50 blog posts on injuries & violence

    Happy 50-blog post anniversary to us! We are grateful to our blog subscribers, whether you have followed along since the beginning or are just tuning in. Here are some of our past blog posts by topic.

  • Linking school children with trauma to care

    Linking school children with trauma to care

    An intervention developed by Dr. Marizen Ramirez trains school staff to link kids with trauma to care and is reaching kids in Iowa and Minnesota.

  • Rural injuries & violence at home during COVID-19

    Rural injuries & violence at home during COVID-19

    Millions of Americans are isolating at home and practicing social distancing. While these practices are critical to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, they increase the risk for abuse, suicide, and child injuries at home. In rural America these risks could be greater.

  • New report: 5 recommendations to reduce overdose deaths in Iowa

    New report: 5 recommendations to reduce overdose deaths in Iowa

    Last September, the University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center (UI IPRC) gathered over 30 stakeholders from over a dozen fields across Iowa to discuss actions to reduce drug overdoses in the state. Their top five recommendations are highlighted in a new report.

  • Linking data to understand violent deaths in Iowa

    Linking data to understand violent deaths in Iowa

    Read about a unique database linking data to help give Iowa a more complete picture of homicides and suicides in the state.

  • A look back: Our year of injury & violence prevention

    A look back: Our year of injury & violence prevention

    Being refunded helps us keep doing the hard work of making the world safer. We are grateful for our many partners and colleagues who help make it all happen. Here are some of our other highlights in 2019.

  • Older adult falls: Q & A with Firefighter Julie Popelka

    Older adult falls: Q & A with Firefighter Julie Popelka

    When firefighters assist with an older adult fall in a home or check on an older adult, they are often on the front lines of older adult falls prevention. This is why Julie Popelka, a firefighter and public education specialist for the Cedar Rapids (IA) Fire Department, is championing the effort to get fire service…

  • Child passenger safety: 30 years of data in Iowa

    Child passenger safety: 30 years of data in Iowa

    Iowa has 30 years of child passenger safety data to look back on thanks to the annual Child Passenger Safety Study funded by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) within the Iowa Department of Public Safety.

  • Students taking on injuries & violence

    Students taking on injuries & violence

    The University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center (UI IPRC) trains the next generation of the leaders in injury and violence prevention.  As one of the only injury centers in the Midwest funded by the National Center for injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we take pride in the…