College of Public Health

IPRC Injury Blog

  • Violence & trauma: Q & A with Professor Mark Berg

    Violence & trauma: Q & A with Professor Mark Berg

    Read our Q & A with UI Associate Professor Mark Berg about his research in violence & trauma and what motivates him.

  • UI IPRC & partners: Addressing motorcycle safety in Iowa

    UI IPRC & partners: Addressing motorcycle safety in Iowa

    Motorcycle-involved crashes accounted for a little less than 2% of all crashes on Iowa roads each year from 2014 – 2018. However this percentage is high, said State Safety Engineer Jan Laaser-Webb at the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), considering motorcycle use represents a very small portion of the traveling public in Iowa. “Even…

  • Making impact: UI IPRC alumni in the field

    Making impact: UI IPRC alumni in the field

    Alumni from of the UI Injury Prevention Research Center (IPRC) are making an impact around the country and the world to reduce injuries and violence. Here are two of their stories: Injuries & violence in tribal communities Carla Britton, PhD, Epidemiology, 2010 As a lead epidemiologist at the Alaska Native Epidemiology Center in Anchorage, AK,…

  • Burn injuries from social media challenges

    Burn injuries from social media challenges

    Last January Dr. Thomas Granchi, an acute care surgeon at the University of Iowa Health Care (UIHC) burn treatment center, appeared on the local news warning of the dangers of burns arising from social media challenges.  This past winter, his team saw burn injuries in two teenagers from the “salt & ice challenge.” This dangerous…

  • Spotlight on injury pilot projects

    Spotlight on injury pilot projects

    Every winter the UI IPRC announces the availability of pilot funding through the center’s pilot grant program it has sponsored since 1993.  This small “seed” funding gives opportunities to young investigators and investigators new to the injury field, and supports exploring new areas of injury and violence research. Often, these projects lead to larger studies…

  • Older adult drivers

    Older adult drivers

    According to the CDC, every day in the U.S. around 20 adults over the age of 65 are killed in motor vehicle crashes, and nearly 800 are injured. Read the latest on UI IPRC’s older driver research.

  • Injury faculty spotlight: Q & A with Corinne Peek-Asa

    Injury faculty spotlight: Q & A with Corinne Peek-Asa

    UI Professor Corinne Peek-Asa has served as the Director of the University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center (UI IPRC) since 2006, leading one of only 10 such centers in the U.S. funded by the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Read her insights into the challenges and achievements of the injury and…

  • Creating knowledge to keep you safe: Our year in review

    Creating knowledge to keep you safe: Our year in review

    Since our establishment in 1991, the work of the UI IPRC has contributed to victories in the injury and violence prevention field through strong collaborations and scientific rigor. We are a team dedicated and passionate about making a safer world. Here is a list of some of our highlights in 2018. We…   Sample of…

  • Sexual violence prevention: Building evidence through evaluation

    Sexual violence prevention: Building evidence through evaluation

    Iowa leaders who work on the front lines of sexual violence prevention in the state gathered in early November at the College of Public Health to grow their evaluation skills. In an opening ice-breaker exercise, the 30 attendees drew their thoughts about evaluation, filling sheets of paper with sketches of surveys, pie charts, and focus…

  • Helping vulnerable rural residents prepare for disasters

    Helping vulnerable rural residents prepare for disasters

    In 2005 over 40% of the people evacuated from devastating Hurricane Katrina floods had at least one chronic health condition, like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, which required them to take medication.  Having these medications on hand is critical during and after disasters while those who depend on them wait for help to arrive. UI…